Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sara, this blog's for you!

Thanks to my wonderful college roommate, I am back in the blogging saddle. Her online threat to get my act together (quickly, I might add) or risk removal from her blog roll lit a small fire in me. So, here I am putting a little something new on this blog of mine. I am admittedly late in meeting her deadline (last Friday -- Christmas Day), but I did the best I could! Sara, I hope to keep my special place on the right side of your blog page. I happen to like it there. :)

Now, why has it taken me SOOO long to come back to blogging? Well, the date of my last post happens to coincide with the date Chad started his new job in Houston. With the acceptance of his new position came the decision to put our house on the market...and that, in and of itself, is a job all on its own. Needless to say, since early June I've only focused on raising my now two-year-old angel boy and keeping my house clean, tidy and ready for showings (which is virtually impossible, thanks to said two-year-old angel boy)! I must say I have missed this blog, though. I love the opportunity to upload pictures of Cooper and share bits and pieces of our little world with interested friends and family. I hope to get back into the swing of things very soon. I guess you could call it one of my New Year's resolutions.

Another resolution for 2010 -- move our family into ONE home again. Since Chad has been working in Houston every week and our house hasn't sold yet, I feel as if our family members are "scattered about." And those of you who know me well, know I don't tend to like things "scattered about!" We are handling this time apart fairly well and soak up our weekends with Chad as much as we can. But, we are all about done with this. I would venture to say that Cooper is the most ready to have daddy home every day again. Over the past 6 - 7 months, we've had our fair share of sleeping troubles, behavioral trials, clinginess and confusion with Coop. He's finally more used to the idea of Chad leaving for a few days to work, but it wasn't always so easy. Praise God for the family I have nearby and Cooper's fondness for some special people in his world -- they have really been a source of fun and comfort for him, while also serving as great supporters of me and Chad. I am confident that the Lord will see this change through in the coming months and we are all more than ready to be settled again as a family.

My little man is waking from his nap, so I'll leave you with a promise of pictures and maybe even a video or two if I can figure out my new pocket video camera (fingers crossed) soon. Here's to a happy and healthy New Year filled with many wonderful memories.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My heart...

This is the face of the little boy who holds my heart. I can't get enough of those gorgeous brown eyes, those kissable rosey cheeks, those sweet full lips, those wild-man waves and that skinny little neck! Thanks, mom, for capturing such a wonderful, truly "Cooper" expression at just the right moment. I will forever cherish this picture.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

This past weekend was just gorgeous! We spent some family time at the local park where Cooper fed ducks for the first time, watched "buurds" in the sky and ran around like a wild man. Here are a few cute shots from our trip to the park.

Daddy and Coop watching the ducks swim by. (Note the paper in Cooper's left hand. That's a photograph of his cousin Michael in his hockey uniform. Coop is notorious for picking an "item of the day" and carrying it wherever he goes all day long...including his crib at naptime and the bathtub at night! Case in point - an Elmo DVD case came with us to the neighborhood jungle gym today.)

Doesn't that face scream mischief?!

A little game of tickling always gets a smile for the camera!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Where, oh where, has my little blog gone?

Apparently nowhere for the past month! Though this page has been sitting idle for a little more than 30 days, I can assure you that the Smith Family has not. Between a trip to Oklahoma for Matt's graduate recital, Cooper's newfound freedom with walking, several visits with the pediatrician and another trip to Dell Children's Medical Center, we've been in constant motion.

Shortly after returning from Oklahoma (which was a wonderful trip, by the way!), Coop started coughing. That cough lingered, and continued to get more intense, for the next 4 weeks. He has since been diagnosed with and treated for whooping cough, sinusitis and bronchiolitis. Bless his little heart...he was really miserable. But, praise God, he is doing remarkably better and is in full-blown toddler mode!

Instead of filling this post with words, I'll choose to share pictures from the past month instead. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and I want to apologize in advance for all the nudity. It seems that Cooper has spent the last month partially clothed...

Matt on stage for his recital. We are all so proud of him!

Giving Uncle Diddy a little pat on the back after the show.
The Masters graduates - Matty and his buddy Tyrone.

Back at home enjoying a little "naked horsebacking riding"!

Some fun in the sun with Dad.

Telling Mammy all about the airplane in the sky.

A bedtime story with Peeps.

Some naked deck-mowing...

My kid is the poster-child for Teddy Grahams. Guess how many are actually in his mouth?!

Hamming it up on Mother's Day.

Celebrating my second Mother's Day...what a blessed day!

Watching the rain fall on the sidewalk, saying "wane, wane..."

And last, but not least, getting a little technology tutorial from Pop.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Orange Alert!

Just a quick note to ask you to PLEASE wear orange tomorrow (Tuesday) in honor and support of baby Stellan. He goes into open-heart surgery early tomorrow morning. See the button to the right of this page for details. And, please keep him and his family in your prayers as they face the road ahead. Thank you!

Better Late Than Never...

I know I'm more than a week behind on posting Easter pictures, but last week filled up fast with a dear family friend's passing and memorial service, plus our trip to Oklahoma over the weekend. Our precious friend Pam died Monday after a long and gruesome battle with pancreatic cancer. She was an amazing soul with such a heart for the Lord. We will truly miss her. And as for our trip to Oklahoma, we went to attend Matt's graduate recital at OU. Boy are we proud of him! He's accomplished so much and has a bright career ahead of himself. I'll post more on that later with pictures. For now, allow me to share our fun-filled Easter with you!

In typical Chad and Ashley fashion, we had 21 people at our house this year on Easter Sunday (we tend to like big crowds!) and it couldn't have been more wonderful. Chad's dad and stepmom came in from New Mexico for the holiday weekend, and Carole's daughters and their families also joined us so they could be with their mom, too. Plus, we had my family over. It was a large group, but we'd much rather have everyone all together in one place. And it's really special for Cooper to be around so many people who love and adore him! We started the day with church, then had a nice pasta lunch followed by an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos (Coop and his cousin Caroline).

Cooper starting the day with his Easter basket.

Looking spiffy at church with Grammy and Pop,

And with Poppi.

Opening his Easter basket on steroids from Grammy and Pop!

Coop with Cousin "Manda" getting ready for the hunt.

Let the hunting begin...

Checking out his loot.

Me and my favorite boys!

Looks like a successful hunt for Caroline...

Mmmm, candy!

And just before this precious shot of Coop and Caroline, they were giving eachother hugs and kisses goodbye...

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday. Thank you, Lord, for your indescribable gift of sacrifice and love!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Videos I promised

Ok, I'm giving this video-uploading thing a shot. Hopefully I can make it work and you can get a little snapshot of Cooper's daily askings for his beloved grandparents. Hope you enjoy! Sorry for the poor quality...they were shot with my cell phone. Oh, and if this works, I'll start capturing more videos and sharing on the blog...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Having a GRAND 'ole time

Coop has been so blessed to spend some great quality time with ALL of his grandparents lately. He adores them so much -- so VERY much that he now says ALL of their names ALL day long! When I ask him who he wants to go see or who he wants to say hi to, you can guarantee it will be one of the following names: Peepaw (number one name spoken in our house!), Pop, Mammy, Nana, Poppi, Honey and even Meemaw (which is what he calls my Grandma Mirabella who is now in heaven AND who I believe kissed Cooper on his cheek and gave him that adorable dimple in heaven before he came to us). I have a few cute, short video clips to prove Coop's love for his grandparents, but I need to work on getting those uploaded in the next few days so you can hear and see for yourself!

But for now, here are some pictures of the big fun he had with Nana at the Natural Bridge Cavern Wildlife Park/Tour several weeks ago...

Watching all the animals from Nana's lap in the backseat

Then he took the wheel for a bit!

Until these creatures started sticking their heads in the window...

That trip ended with a little goat feeding fun! (sorry for the direction of this photo...not sure what happened in the uploading process.)

Next, Coop did a little dancing with his Peepaw and Mammy (two people who really LOVE to dance) at Jamie's reception...
By the end of the night (and all the dancing), he was completely worn out!
Next, we were off to Dallas to spend some time with Poppi and Honey at the Dallas Blooms Festival.

Here is Coop with them and his two cousins, Jordan and Caroline.

Coop loved meeting his cousin Caroline for the first time and hanging out with Jordan again! Aren't all of their expressions priceless?

A little boy time in the lawn with Poppi....

And there's nothing like a nap outside to finish off a beautiful day in the park!

Lastly, this past week Pop came over for a playdate with Coop. And he got to see first hand Coop's love for Mr. Noodle!

They have the EXACT SAME look on their faces! I'm not kidding when I say they sat like this for about 20 minutes straight!! Very enthralling, that Mr. Noodle.

And then they switched to this position. What a cute cuddling shot!

Coop's grandparents are really his FAVORITE people in the whole world! He's so comfortable with all of them. Thank you Peepaw, Mammy, Pop, Nana, Poppi and Honey for showing Cooper so much love and fun. He truly adores the time he spends with you and looks forward to the next visit!

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Party Time!

We pulled our dancing shoes out Saturday night! My cousin Jamie and her husband Charles eloped on Valentine's Day and then threw a wonderful wedding reception this past Saturday for friends and family. Yes, it was really special and Jamie looked GORGEOUS, but it was that much more special because the party also served as a going-away celebration for Charles. He left for Navy boot camp today...just one short month after they got married and two really short days after they celebrated their marriage with all of us. He'll be at boot camp for 8 weeks with minimal contact with anyone, then he's off to training school for about 30 more weeks. We're all really proud of him and can't wait to see where this adventure takes both of them. Please keep them in your prayers as they have a difficult few months apart ahead of them.
Here are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heeneman looking so lovely!

And one very "sharp dressed man" making his grand entrance. Too cute for words...

Our little family before the party started.

Jamie and Charles had their first dance while Matty and Jess sang "The Prayer." It was nothing short of AMAZING! There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Two handsome men...Coop and his Pop!

Coop enjoying the party with his beloved Mammy. Doesn't mom look so pretty?

I love this picture of me and mom so I had to sneak it in.

And a little close-up of me and Coop just to say goodbye!

Well, maybe a shot of the bride and groom leaving would be a little more appropriate. Best wishes, Jamie and Charles! We love you and are so proud of you both. xoxo