Monday, April 20, 2009

Better Late Than Never...

I know I'm more than a week behind on posting Easter pictures, but last week filled up fast with a dear family friend's passing and memorial service, plus our trip to Oklahoma over the weekend. Our precious friend Pam died Monday after a long and gruesome battle with pancreatic cancer. She was an amazing soul with such a heart for the Lord. We will truly miss her. And as for our trip to Oklahoma, we went to attend Matt's graduate recital at OU. Boy are we proud of him! He's accomplished so much and has a bright career ahead of himself. I'll post more on that later with pictures. For now, allow me to share our fun-filled Easter with you!

In typical Chad and Ashley fashion, we had 21 people at our house this year on Easter Sunday (we tend to like big crowds!) and it couldn't have been more wonderful. Chad's dad and stepmom came in from New Mexico for the holiday weekend, and Carole's daughters and their families also joined us so they could be with their mom, too. Plus, we had my family over. It was a large group, but we'd much rather have everyone all together in one place. And it's really special for Cooper to be around so many people who love and adore him! We started the day with church, then had a nice pasta lunch followed by an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos (Coop and his cousin Caroline).

Cooper starting the day with his Easter basket.

Looking spiffy at church with Grammy and Pop,

And with Poppi.

Opening his Easter basket on steroids from Grammy and Pop!

Coop with Cousin "Manda" getting ready for the hunt.

Let the hunting begin...

Checking out his loot.

Me and my favorite boys!

Looks like a successful hunt for Caroline...

Mmmm, candy!

And just before this precious shot of Coop and Caroline, they were giving eachother hugs and kisses goodbye...

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday. Thank you, Lord, for your indescribable gift of sacrifice and love!


Anonymous said...

Ashley! Cooper is so cute. He looks like a little man. Precious!

The Army of Allmans said...

Ashley- had no idea you had a blog! Found it and glad I did. Coop is just the cutest little guy. So glad we got to see you over the holidays. I think of you everytime I pass my picture you made me! Love, Lanessa